84. Theme 192 ~Musical Instrument~

A beautifully carved Lap Harp……..

Musical Instrument

Published in: on March 25, 2009 at 7:00 AM  Comments (11)  
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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. So elegant and eye-catching. Something about stringed instruments and especially harps really seem to state “music”.

  2. what is it about harps that make us all think we could play? or is it just me? LOL beautiful instrument!

  3. Beautiful detail in this harp. Stunning photograph.

  4. Great shot of all that beautiful detail in the wood! I never noticed before that harp strings are different colors. Neat!

  5. I have to echo Julie’s comment – the first things that caught my eye were the lovely curves and the great grain. Nice shot!

  6. The lines of this harp are wonderful!

  7. Beautiful harp. You got the wood and the strings to both show well.

  8. That is a lovely instrument! You captured the grain of the wood and the carving so well…

  9. What a beautiful instrument! Yours, by any chance?

  10. I love strings, and this is one gorgeous presentation, to me strings are so romantic and it shows in this image! NICE!

  11. Beautiful. I love the perspective and the close crop. It brings out the beauty of the fabulous carving.

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